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The following services are provided in the Clinic:
1. Manual Osteopathy
2. Massage Therapy
3. Psychosomatic Osteopathy
Price List

Please see the current prices for the services here:

Manual Osteopathy

Manual Osteopathy is a type of manual therapy correlated to body structures such as bones, joints, ligaments, fascia, and some organs and also to some extent to body fluids, circulation, and bioenergetic aspects. It is usually a pretty slow and deep technique with no any sharp movements, and it is based on the natural physiological and self-healing mechanisms of the human body by implementing the osteopathic assessment and treatment of somatic dysfunctions. The wellness version usually looks nice and soft, although the treatment modality looks more intense and some therapeutic pain and some aggravation of symptoms during and after the session are possible. The particular implementation and style of osteopathy is very individual from specialist to specialist.


Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy is a type of manual therapy dealing with soft tissues of the body (mostly muscles, tendons). There are a few main approaches in massage therapy: - relaxation massage therapy (aiming to reduce stress, improve overall wellbeing, quality of life, for wellness, healthy lifestyle, hygiene purposes). The session usually consists of screening tests with no specific assessment, Swedish massage techniques - remedial massage therapy (aiming to verify musculoskeletal dysfunction and treat the causative muscle hypertonicity to reduce signs of dysfunction)The session usually consists of screening tests, specific assessment, Swedish massage techniques for warming up and desensitizing the body, remedial massage techniques.  As remedial massage therapy is a type of treatment, some therapeutic pain and some aggravation of symptoms after the session are possible.


Clinic Policy and Rules

- Clinic services: If the practitioner is not a Doctor in Canada, then no help or advice with any medical condition, medical diagnosis, medical prognosis, any guaranteed treatment results or medical prescriptions are not possible and considered above the scope of practice. Please if you have any medical concerns, do not address your medical concerns with the practitioner, please refer to your Medical Doctor. Usually, by the scope, any manual therapy practitioner level is to provide musculoskeletal assessment and treatment. Although it is never guaranteed or can't be predicted if the treatment will help you with your problem or not, we want to convince you that the practitioners will do their best to help you in the optimal way possible. Thank you for understanding.

- Address: The actual clinic address is specified on the Clinic webpage. If you are not sure - please ask before your appointment time

- Appointment: Remember, in order to make your appointment assigned to you it is important to: fill out and sign the intake form for the new clients prior to the appointment; confirm your appointment by answering the email reminder, be on time for your appointment

- Cancellation: You can cancel/reschedule your appointment not later than 48 hours before. Late cancellation/rescheduling/no-show is a matter of 100% service fee.

- Door locked: If the door is locked, please wait until your appointment time, and text to the Clinic or knock on the door

- Parking: parking is available on side streets, where the parking is assigned, and not available in the back yard, back lane of the building

- Overdress: Please take off your shoes and jacket in a specially designed place

- Clothing and hygiene: Please choose the cloth which allows your body freedom of movement during the osteopathic appointment. During the massage appointment be ready to remove your clothes according to your level of comfort, you will be properly covered and dropped by sheets. Please follow personal hygiene and bring your body to the appointment clean with as less odour as possible.

- No show: If the client doesn't come after 15 minutes of appointment time, it is considered a "no show" and will be charged according to the cancellation policy.

- Informed consent: Please be free to inform, ask, alternate or stop any parts of the treatment process anytime during the session if you feel unsure, worse, uncomfortable, changed your mind or have any other concern possible regardless of whether you even gave your informed consent before, its totally your choice.

- Treatment process: The treatment time is your chance to have a great meeting with yourself in order to improve your condition, health and reach your treatment goals. Please be open, caring, and creative to your needs as much as possible. Listen to what your body tells you and wants you to follow in order to release the healing energy. Be free to follow and express your healing vibrations, and body intuition, and discover your mind resources toward your health and wellbeing. Be your best friend and supporter during the session and be sure to involve a practitioner in that process as an optimal assistance to your healing process.

Silence/Talk/ Self-expression: The best way to perceive treatment modalities is to keep silent, switch your focus inside of your body, listen to your body, reflecting your healing reactions, and follow your personal intuition in this process in order to run efficient self-healing mechanisms. Talking about some unrelated topics is possible as well, but not encouraged, as it could significantly reduce the effectiveness of treatment. On the other side, if you feel that your body wants to express some movements, reactions, breathing, shaking, laughing, crying, singing, sounding, any emotions, thoughts, or anything else, related to your healing process, it is very good not to suppress and to express and it's very encouraged to express.

- Representative/Accompanying person: For individuals younger than 16 years old, the presence of the parent/relative/guardian is mandatory in the office during the treatment. For the adult clients, it is totally your choice. You are very welcome to bring to the treatment as many persons as many people as the office space can accommodate. If you want the opinion from the therapeutic perspective the presence of other people in the treatment room during the treatment can distract the concentration on the client`s healing process either the client and/or practitioner, that's why it is not encouraged.


Please find the practitioner`s credentials below. Usually, clients request this information to verify if they would be covered by their insurance company for osteopathy.

Be advised if "Osteopathy" or other services are mentioned in your insurance policy, it is not a guarantee that you will be covered. It all depends on the type of particular insurance plan and policy and other factors. Please double-check this information with your insurance before booking the appointment.


Practitioner`s credentials:


For Osteopathy:


Dmitry Vasilyev - Osteopathic Manual Practitioner (title DOMP),
- Registered Manual Osteopath (RMO), member of CRMO (College of Registered Manual Osteopaths).
License number RMO-018

- Alliance Canadienne de Médecine Alternative, The Canadian Alliance of Alternative Medicine (ACMA)
Membership number: ACMA 18-122

- Manual Osteopathy Association of Manitoba
Membership number: MOAM004

- Manitoba Blue Cross (and Medavie Blue Cross) osteopathic provider number #56022 (for 2151Portage ave)  


For Massage:


Dmitry Vasilyev - Remedial massage therapy (title RMT)

- Natural Health Practitioners of Canada NHPC#26079

-Manitoba Blue Cross massage therapy provider number for 2151Portage ave  is 10924

Insurance coverage


Massage therapy is usually covered by the majority of insurance companies


Direct billing is not provided. The client will receive the receipt that can be claimed to the client`s insurance company after the appointment for reimbursement. Please be sure you checked if you will be covered by your insurance plan before booking the appointment.


CANADA LIFE - does not cover our osteopathic service. In Manitoba, Canada Life only covers Doctors of Osteopathy (members of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba) who are Medical Doctors, and osteopathic manual practitioners - members of NMOS association (NMOS is not accepting new members from the National  Academy of Osteopathy who alumni who are DOMP title holders for a few years already according to their private policy)


Here is the list of private insurance companies, which usually cover this osteopathic service. If you have some new info, don't hesitate to inform by email:

CRMO Approvals:
Johnston Group
Equitable Life of Canada
Wilkins & Associates Ltd.
Empire Life

​​Medavie Blue Cross



ACMA Approvals:
Industrial Alliance (IA)
Empire life

Cancellation Policy

Sometimes clients have a situation when they need to reschedule, or cancel the appointment. It is absolutely normal and any client is free to do it, just please be sure you follow the cancellation policy, and that you behave with respect and responsibility to our business, other clients, and practitioners. 

Thank you very much for understanding.



Your appointment has been reserved especially for you, however, if you need to cancel your appointment, out of respect for your therapist and your fellow patients, we ask that you provide the clinic with at least 48 hours advance notice. Cancellations  with less than 48 hours’ notice or "no show" are subjected to a charge of 100% of the fee for the service scheduled. If you do not attend a scheduled appointment or do not cancel your appointment by using self-service in your confirmation email, or by contact  (email: not later than 48 hours before appointment, you will be charged 100% service fee. 
Be advised that the appointment is considered cancelled only after the provider's response and confirmation, and it is your responsibility to contact the provider properly in order to receive the confirmation for the appointment cancellation/rechedule.
You can cancel your appointment by e-mail 48 hours prior to your treatment. Failing this 48-hour-cancellation notice may result in a full treatment fee. Missed appointments without notice will be charged the full treatment price. This fee is to be paid prior to your next scheduled appointment. Consideration will be given upon circumstances.

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